E-mail: james@dynamiclethargy.ca
1991 to current: Independent Filmmaker
Writer, director, producer, editor
1979 to 2009: City of Calgary
Transportation Engineer in the Transportation Planning
- Played a major role in the development of the 1981 and 1991 versions of City’s Regional Transportation Model. I had primary responsibility for maintenance of 1981 model. I acted in a similar role with the 1991 model.
- Have worked on all aspects of transportation surveys for the City, including project leader, planning, supervision of data collection, analysis of data and preparation of reports. Surveys include: Transit Onboard Surveys, Travel to Work Surveys (as part of the Civic Census) and various travel behaviour surveys undertaken for the development of the Regional Transportation Model.
- Project leader for the conversion of the City’s Transportation model from UTPS to EMME/2. Personal advocacy led to the introduction of EMME/2 to Calgary.
- Responsible for development of the Transportation Plan Monitoring Program.
1978 to 1979: W.L.Wardrop Associates. Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Transportation Engineer.
- Responsible for the transportation component of the Selkirk and District Development Plan Municipal Services Study.
- Prepared several traffic impact studies in Winnipeg, Manitoba.
1976 to 1978: - The University of Manitoba, Department of Civil Engineering.
Research and teaching assistant. Assisted with courses in transportation and water resources, and undertook research in Air Travel Demand.
1975: - City of Winnipeg, Traffic Operations.
Traffic Operations Technician.
- Worked on traffic accident analysis
- Developed a simulation model of a 4-way stop.
- Analysed several parking studies.
- Prepared several traffic operations studies.
- 1978 M.Sc. University of Manitoba, course work included courses from the departments of Civil Engineering, Economics, Statistics and the MBA program.
- 1976 B.Sc. (Civil Engineering) - University of Manitoba
- Individual courses in Anthropology, Archaeology, Management, Computer Systems, Conflict Resolution, Film Making and Transit Planning.
Other Courses:
- Public Speaking - Keith Humphrey 2001
- VISSIM course - City of Calgary 2001
- Tmodel course - City of Calgary 2001
- ArcView course - City of Calgary 2000
- Negotiation - University of Calgary Continuing Education 1997
- Resolving Interpersonal Conflict Level 2 - University of Calgary Continuing Education 1997
- Creative Writing - University of Calgary Continuing Education 1997
- Documentary Film Workshop - Calgary Society of Independent Filmmakers 1996
- An Introduction to Alternatives in Dispute Resolution - University of Calgary Continuing Education 1996
- Critical Skills for Communication in Conflict Resolution - University of Calgary Continuing Education 1996
- Resolving Interpersonal Conflict Level 1 - University of Calgary Continuing Education 1996
- Shifting from Positions to Interests - University of Calgary Continuing Education 1996
- Film and the Law Workshop - Calgary Society of Independent Filmmakers 1995
- Digital Image Workshop - Calgary Society of Independent Filmmakers 1995
- Annette Mangard Workshop - Calgary Society of Independent Filmmakers 1994
- Terry Southern Workshop - Calgary Society of Independent Filmmakers 1994
- Andrei Tarkovski Workshop - Calgary Society of Independent Filmmakers 1994
- Special Effects Workshop - Calgary Society of Independent Filmmakers 1993
- Short Story Adaptation Workshop - Calgary Society of Independent Filmmakers 1993
- Artificial Intelligence - University of Calgary Continuing Education 1993
- Film and Video Workshop - Calgary Society of Independent Filmmakers 1992
- Working with a Film Lab - Calgary Society of Independent Filmmakers 1991
- Film Production 2 - Southern Alberta Institute of Technology 1990
- Script Writing - Southern Alberta Institute of Technology 1990
- Film Making - Richard Zywotkiewicz 1990
- Medicine Wheels Field Tour - University of Calgary Continuing Education 1989
- Film Theory - Southern Alberta Institute of Technology 1989
- Film Production 1 - Southern Alberta Institute of Technology 1989
- Anthropological Puzzles Past and Present - University of Calgary Continuing Education 1988
- Foothills Archaeology Tour - University of Calgary Continuing Education 1988
- Head Smashed in Tour - University of Calgary Continuing Education 1988
- Become your own Film Critic - Mount Royal College - 1988
- Traditional versus Non-Traditional Cinema - University of Calgary Continuing Education 1988
- The Mystery of Hitchcock - University of Calgary Continuing Education 1988
- Myths and Mysteries of the Ancient World - University of Calgary Continuing Education 1987
- The Mystery of Time - University of Calgary Continuing Education 1987
- Introduction to Islamic Civilization and Culture - University of Calgary Continuing Education 1986
- Alberta Archaeology - University of Calgary Continuing Education 1986
- Central American Anthropology - University of Calgary Continuing Education 1985
- Archaeology of Ancient Puru: The World of the Incas and their Predecessors - University of Calgary Continuing Education 1985
- Introduction to Animation - Mount Royal College - 1985
- School of Celtic Studies Summer School (Gaelic, History and Dancing) - Winnipeg 1984
- Great Archaeologists - University of Calgary Continuing Education 1984
- Video Production - Calgary Public School Board 1983
- An Introduction to Chinese History and Culture - University of Calgary Continuing Education 1983
- The Evolution of Man - University of Calgary Continuing Education 1982
- North American Indians - University of Calgary Continuing Education 1982
- An Introduction to Egyptian Civilization - University of Calgary Continuing Education 1982
- Transit Planning - University of Calgary 1981
- Megaliths - University of Calgary Continuing Education 1981
- Ancient Sites of Meso America - University of Calgary Continuing Education 1980
- Mediterranean Civilization - University of Calgary Continuing Education 1980
- Mesopotamian Civilization - University of Calgary Continuing Education 1979
- Technical Writing - University of Manitoba Continuing Education 1979
- ITE Canada - Calgary 2001
- emme/2 user's Group - Vancouver 2000
- Canadian Operational Research Society - Calgary 1995
- emme/2 user's Group - Vancouver 1992
- Transportation Association of Canada - Winnipeg 1991
- emme/2 user's Group - Portland 1987
- UTPS user's Group - Seattle 1981
- ITE Canada - Winnipeg 1978
"Forecasting Demand for Demand Forecasting" Coauthored with Yuhan Fung. ITE District 7 Annual Conference Victoria B.C. 1991 April 21-24.
"Equilibrium Concepts in Modal Split Modelling" -ASCE Transportation Engineering Journal, Vol. 108, No. TE5, September, 1982. page 457. - This paper was based on my Master’s thesis.
- Association of Professional Engineers, Geologists and Geophysicists of Alberta - Professional Engineer
- Secretary of the Calgary section of the ITE (1981 to 1983)
- Transportation Association of Canada Transportation Planning Committee (1985 to 1997)
- Secretary of the Calgary section of The Canadian Operations Research Society (1987 to 1990)
- Meeting host for the Calgary section of The Canadian Operations Research Society (1987 to 1999)
- Independent film maker
- Founded the $100 Film Festival, which now in its 20th year.
- Completed films have been exhibited at Film Festivals in New York City, Oklahoma, Victoria, Calgary, Edmonton, Ottawa and Toronto. www.dynamiclethargyfilms.ca
- The Alberta Skeptics
- The Society for the Study of Egyptian Antiquities
- The City of Calgary Transportation Model and Travel Surveys - University of Calgary Class 2001
- The Films of James Morison - Calgary Society of Independent Filmmakers 2001
- Introduction to SAS - City of Calgary 2001
- TV interview (A-Channel) about the Household Activity Survey - 2000
- Radio interviews about the Household Activity Survey - 2000
- Radio interview (CBC) about the $100 Film Festival - 1999
- An Alternative look at Horror Films - Calgary Society of Independent Filmmakers 1996
- What Total Quality Management Means to Me - Canadian Operational Research Society 1994
- Radio interview (CJSW) about the $100 Film Festival - 1993
- The City of Calgary Transportation Model - University of Calgary Class 1985
- The City of Calgary Transportation Model - Canadian Operational Research Society 1985
- $100 Film Festival I proposed this festival, which is run through the Calgary Society of Independent Filmmakers, as a way to attract new filmmakers and encourage the production of more films. The festival was intended as a small local event, but attracted interest from across Canada. As chairperson of the organizing committee I drafted the rules, prepared some publicity materiel and recruiting volunteers to help in running the festival.
- 1991 Transportation Model Update This project includes a travel behavior survey and an update of the existing transportation Model. I have done research on ways to improve model performance by taking advantage of the features of the EMME/2 system.
- 1991 Civic Census Employment Survey I worked on the preparation of the survey form and instruction manual. I will be involved in the preparation of the final data base and report.
- Subarea Model (Site worksheet) I initiated a project to develop a computer based system to simplify the analysis of Traffic Impacts. This involved discussions with City staff involved in development impact studies and practitioners in other cities and organizations. As part of this project I prepared a computer worksheet for development impact studies. Several studies used this worksheet for analysis.
- EMME/2 Support From 1987 to 1999 I was responsible for ongoing support of the EMME/2 system. This involveed trouble shooting problems, developing macros and researching the capabilities of EMME/2.
- Inquiries In my current position I provide a resource for the analysis of the various surveys that I have worked on. I conduct new analyses of old surveys to address issues that have come up since the original analysis of the survey.
- Computer Support Between 1979 and late 1980's I supported computer use in the Transportation Planning Division. I acted as a resource to less experienced computer system users.
- 1989 Transit Northwest Feeder Bus Onboard Survey I supervised the coding and data entry of this survey. I analyzed the survey and prepared a report based on these results.
- 1988 Model review I used the results of the 1988 Civic Census to update the 1985 version of the Transportation Model. I evaluated this model to identify any problems that had developed since the 1985 model review.
- 1988 Civic Census Travel Survey I developed a survey form, instruction manual and coordinated the administration of the survey with the City's Civic Census office. After completion of the survey I supervised coding, data entry and error checking of the data. Finally I prepared a final data base and produced two reports documenting the results of the survey.
- Conversion of Transportation Model from UTPS to EMME/2 I was the main liaison with the consultant hired to convert the 1985 Transportation model from the UTPS modeling system to the EMME/2 modelling system. This gave me much of the responsibility for the conversion work to help the consultant.
- Evaluation of Provincial Capital Grant Impact In 1986 the province reviewed the effectiveness of the Transportation Grants in improving travel in the City. I helped use the 1985 transportation model to evaluate the changes in travel times that result from road way improvements. This involved assignments of the 1986 trip table to the 1981 and 1976 road networks.
- 1985 Model Review I was the main liaison with the consultant hired to conduct the review. This project required that I conducted much of the analysis based on the advice of the consultant.
- Computerization of Automatic Traffic Counters I initiated a project to develop a method to transfer data from the older automatic traffic counters to a computer file for analysis. As part of this I developed programs using PASCAL and Watfile to convert and analyze the data.
- 1985 Civic Census Travel Survey I developed a survey form, instruction manual and coordinated the administration of the survey with the City's Civic Census office. After completion of the survey I supervised coding, data entry and error checking of the data. Finally I prepared a final data base and prepared a report documenting the results of the survey.
- Regional Model I conducted preliminary research on a model for the Calgary region. Other priorities caused the cancellation of this project.
- Critical Movement Analysis Spreadsheet After discussion with staff in the Functional Planning group of the Transportation Planning Division I developed a computer spreadsheet for intersection capacity analysis using the Circular 212 Planning method. I submitted a paper based on this work to the ITE publication Technical Notes.
- Transportation Network Review (1984-1985) My role on this project was to develop travel forecasts using the Strategic Transportation Model. During this project I converted the model from UTPS to MicroTRIPS. The departure of the project leader led to the cancellation of this project.
- Strategic Model I completed development of the model, investigated alternate model formulations and prepared a report documenting the model.
- 1982 South LRT Impact Study I worked on the sampling methodology and survey form for the Home Interview Survey. Later in the project I helped in the analysis of the impact of the South LRT on modal split to several buildings in the South LRT corridor.
- 1981 Transportation Model Update I worked on several aspects of the development of the 1981 transportation model. Specifically I worked on: the trip generation model, the transit assignment, the Modal Split Model and the adjustment for non work travel.
- 1981 Civic Census Employment Survey I was responsible for the analysis of this survey.
- 1981 Travel Surveys I was involved with several travel surveys conducted in 1981. For the Home Interview survey I worked on the preparation of a training video, the interview's instruction manual, training, Quality control, and survey monitoring. For the truck survey I helped with selection of the sample, prepared the interviewer's instruction manual, helped with the administration of the survey, final preparation of the data base and writing the report. On the external cordon survey I worked on preparation of the survey, coding, data entry, preparation of the final database and writing the report.
- Provincial Model Review (1980-1981) The Provincial Transportation Department hired a consultant to review the City's 1971 Transportation Model and the forecasts developed from it. I acted as a liaison with the consultant, providing information from surveys and explaining the details of the model. This project identified some deficiencies in the model which proved useful in development of the 1981 Transportation Model.
- TRIPS/UTPS Comparison and Model Review This project evaluated the advantages of converting the 1971 Transportation Model from the TRIPS modelling system to the UTPS modelling system. UTPS was adopted for the 1981 Transportation Model because of this project. This project also provided an opportunity to evaluate the 1971 Transportation Model and identify problems that the 1981 Transportation Model could avoid.
- STOPME/Mount Royal Subarea Model (1981) I developed a FORTRAN computer program called STOPME for use in applying a subarea transportation model. I advised staff in the Transportation Systems Management section on the application of this program in a study of the Mount Royal Area. I also provided data from surveys and the Transportation Model for use in this study.
- Downtown Study (1981) My work on this project involved developing several small FORTRAN computer programs to help with the manual analysis techniques that the Strategic Planning Group used to develop the traffic forecasts. My involvement ended with the departure of the project leader.
- 1979 Civic Census Travel Survey I worked on the coding and error checking of the data. I then prepared the final data base and the report.
- Selkirk and District Development Plan Municipal Services Study I conducted the transportation portion of this study. This involved supervising traffic counts, a parking study, development of a transportation model and evaluation of forecasts. I also was involved in discussions with the Selkirk Town Council.
- Traffic Impact Studies While with W.L.Wardrop and Associates I work on several traffic impact studies involving residential subdivisions, a warehouse development next to an intermodal terminal, and the CNR east yard redevelopment. This work included data collection, liaison with City of Winnipeg staff and technical analysis.
- TRPLM (1978/1979) I developed this FORTRAN computer program for transportation models for small towns and traffic impact studies. I used this program for the Selkirk study and a traffic impact study of a residential subdivision.
- STICAHM (1978/1979) STICAHM was a FORTRAN computer program I wrote for traffic signal timing and intersection capacity analysis.
- Modal Split Research I investigated a modal split model as my M.Sc. Thesis. This involved review of the literature, collection of data, and analysis and reporting on the results.
- Simulation of Grain Movement in Western Canada As part of a project in a course on Operational Research I took as part of my M.Sc. I developed a GPSS simulation model of grain transportation in western Canada.
- Air Travel Demand Model Research I updated earlier research on air travel demand in Canada. This included obtaining more recent data to include in the analysis and refinement of the model.
- Study of the Traffic Operation of a Portion of Pembina Highway This project started as part of my work for the City of Winnipeg's Traffic Operations section and I used it for my thesis for my B.Sc.(C.E.). The work involved analysis of traffic counts, intersection capacity analysis, and travel time studies.
- Computer Simulation of a 4 Way Stop This project involved the development of a FORTRAN computer program to run a simulation model of the operation of a 4-way stop.
- City of Winnipeg Traffic Operations Section Among my duties were analysis and checking traffic counts, capacity analysis, analysis of parking surveys, analysis of accident statistics and preparation of short reports.
- UNIBUS Committee While at the University of Manitoba I was an active member of a committee of people using UNIBUS, a special transit service operated by the University for students and staff. This involved collecting and analyzing data on ridership and lobbying the University Administration.
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